Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Story Incoming

I guess I was totally attached to this new character I made. XD Thanks a lot, Grendel. lol. I mentioned Levi's  [the character] history in the post before this one so... yeah. xD

Meh. Now I find myself making up stories again [lol that did not sound right]. I think I couldn't really let a year pass without making one. XD What I'm working on right now is called "The Transformation" coz my brain's a total suckage for thinking of good titles. ;A; Anyway, I tried taking a picture of the first fixed lineart of Levi and I tried to color it using Photo Impression but it was so FAIL. I mean, the lineart was already fail in the first place and... well... the photoshop I used wasn't that good for digitally coloring stuffs. XD

behold... my failness.

[caption id="attachment_154" align="alignnone" width="312" caption="ohyes... it fails."]ohyes... it fails.[/caption]

mental note to self: do not attempt to digitally color fail drawings when sick. x__x

and yes, I am sick and I hate it. D< I think I couldn't go to school tomorrow. BLEGH. x__x [it's Sunday now,btw]

+ + +

Anyway, "The Transformation" can be found here and here.

... and I'm feeling dead again. (-_-") bye bye.~

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