Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Just some random update mode coz I haven't updated in three days or so. XD Not that it's a big deal, or anything like that. lol. XD

+ + +

Ohyay.! another character added in my characters family. ^^ *cheers* His name's Leviathan [nickname Levi] Sonniellon. Okay, for those who knows about the name, I'll explain why I gave him such a name. XD

[note: both the names Leviathan and Sonniellon are names of demons, or something like that]

Well you see, Levi is my version of Grendel of Beowulf. We're recently tackling the epic in our English class and the other day it gave me an idea to draw Grendel in a... better form. Turned out I like the way I drew him. XD Well of course, I couldn't name him Grendel at all. Anyway, since he's a monster in Beowulf and stuff, I decided to give an "evil name". I came up with Leviathan Sonniellon.

According to stuffs I researched, Leviathan is the demon who targets the belief in God [?] and Sonniellon is the demon of hatred. [correct the info if I'm wrong xD]

Anyway, Leviathan Sonniellon is a long name so yeah, his nickname's Levi. XD I'll try posting the drawing here some time although I'm not good in drawing at all. The Optimus Prime and Megatron thing are living proofs of it. Lol~~

+ + +

One last thing.! Nyaww~ I'm loving the Allen Walker kid version. >w< He's just so cuuuute.!! I wanna take him home. ^^

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="220" caption="I'll take joo home, Arren.!! <3"]Ill take joo home, Arren.!! 3[/caption]


  1. Aww, Allen with brown hair! ;w; :3

    Levithian Sonniellon. Sounds like there so much evil and wickedness in that name. xD
    [Well there is, but when I first read it I instantly uh...Yeah :))]

    Nyuuu I think you draw well //sticks tongue out
    Heehee >:)

    //doesn't wanna go to school tomorrow


    Levithian sounds good, you know.! Too bad his name's Leviathan na. OwO; Nyaww. I want a BJD that looks like him. *sulks*

    I dooooon't. ;A; lol.

  3. Wait, is it Levithian or Leviathan?xDD You have 2 spellings on your entry haha! :P

  4. WHUT I DO.?? O_O;
    it's Leviathaaaan. (-_-")


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