Friday, June 19, 2009

Things I now know...

Sometimes it just takes time before you actually realize that random stones that are falling from heaven are hitting you...

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I've come to realize all those answers that the Daily Advice Game gave me last week. Like what the hell yesterday was not normal at all. lulz.

I'm so happy for my friends who passed their desired clubs. ^ w ^ guys you all deserve it.! ^_^

On the other hand, I passed a club I've never dreamed nor hoped I'd pass. It's something stupid really, trying out there. I've heard that auditions are really tough there and it's kinda challenging to get accepted. Even those really talented and most deserving people don't get in easily. But lol liekwhatthehell I passed. I so frigginly passed. XD I know it's not my talent. It's not me to be in that club but meh. I got in and all I can do is to prove myself. OwO;

[caption id="attachment_64" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The paper I received after trying out. The paper given to you can only contain "Passed" "pending" or "better luck next time""]The paper I received after trying out. The paper given to you can only contain "Passed" "pending" or "better luck next time"[/caption]

and lol btw, as of now, I'm the only one who passed in our batch. OwO; gaaah. Howthehell did that happen.

[this explains the "believe in yourself" advice]


Passing that club didn't mean I have to leave my most loved club of all. [this explains the "Stay in shape" advice]. That club still accepted me even though I won't be graded for the things that I'll be doing for them. WHOCARES. All i want is to remain loyal to that club until I graduate. ^_^


My last advice was "Be a blessing to others". I never actually thought of what this one meant though, but yesterday something happened that sort of proved that advice.

As I was saying, I was still a member of my very loved club, which is the school paper organization. And lol, yesterday they told me that they needed school paper counterparts in the other clubs so that they can atleast cover up most if not all of the activities of the school. They made my the counterpart of that other club which I passed. kyaaa. >w< lovely day.

+ + +

Another thing I found out yesterday was that Daddy Seb / Ate Marien is actually the aunt of my batchmate. O_O Small world is very small. She actually helped us in our Investigatory Project last year and I didn't know her yet. Okay, so we might have been crossing paths since then. How cool is that. XD

+ + +

One last thing before I end this.  XD I'll share some really random doodles. XD

[caption id="attachment_65" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="lol it's Sebastian Michaelis of Kuroshitsuji"]lol it's Sebastian Michaelis of Kuroshitsuji[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_66" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="A random Drocell Cainz modern doodle. I was too lazy to continue the hand, though. And the tatoo is placed on the opposite side. XD"]A random Drocell Cainz modern doodle. I was too lazy to continue the hand, though. And the tatoo is placed on the opposite side. XD[/caption]


  1. grabe "passed a club I’ve never dreamed nor hoped I’d pass."
    elitist club woot congrats you kiddo XD remove your blog name pau chan ayt, na chachakahan daw si rap kasi doble yung name... ahahahha

  2. Thank you Kuya Von.!! kyahaha. I'm working on it. D8

  3. yuh!!! so loving that day!!! :))

  4. what is what?

  5. the pass thing...hmm?

  6. Passed a certain club. lol~~


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